Video Production FAQ's

Frequently Asked Questions About Video Production from Our Prospective Clients

Ready to get started? Simply click the ‘Get Started’ button on our website and provide some basic details about your project. We’ll review your submission and reach out with any follow-up questions. We also offer free consultations to gather more information. You can schedule a brief 15-30 minute Zoom or Google Meet call, or if you’re local, we can arrange an in-person meeting.

The cost of video production depends on several factors, such as the number of videos, filming days, locations, video length and style, talent requirements, and the equipment needed. We create a tailored proposal for every video project we bid on.

The timeline for producing a live-action video varies depending on factors such as creative direction, scripting, client feedback, and filming logistics (e.g., permits). Generally, it takes between 4-8 weeks, though we can adjust to meet your deadlines. This is one of our frequently asked questions about video production.

Our video production process starts with a conference call or in-person meeting to gather key details and discuss your project’s specifics. What are your goals for the video? Who is your target audience? Do you have any creative ideas? From there, we follow a 3-step process: Pre-Production, Production, and Post-Production.

Pre-Production involves creative development, planning, and organizing to set the project up for success. Production is the on-set filming phase with the crew. Finally, in Post-Production, our video editing process—spanning the Rough Cut, Fine Cut, and Final Cut—brings your story to life.

Our post-production timeline can range from 1-2 days to several weeks, depending on the project. After filming, we upload the footage to the cloud and begin the video editing process, which includes three key stages: the Rough Cut, Fine Cut, and Final Cut. 

Content development is tailored to your needs. We can handle the entire video production process, from concept creation and scriptwriting to filming. If you already have a concept, we can collaborate with your team to refine it and create the best possible video. If you only need filming and editing, we can take care of that as well!

Great question! Setup time usually ranges from 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the complexity. More intricate lighting setups may take longer, while simpler 3-point lighting for interviews tends to fall on the shorter end of the scale.